These are images from the movies "Deadly Obsession" and the "Saw" series.
I recently content analyzed one of the Saw series movies, particularly Saw II, and I really can't count how many violent acts there were in that movie. It was what you call a "Sexually Violent Extravaganza." The content that was showed in that movie definately out did the first Saw. Instead of just violence they focused more on the aspect of women and how sexually I can violate you (In so many ways!).
As u can see from the graph above, Saw II is a very sexually driven movie, not only does it have tons of violence but it has a sexually driven motives behind the violence. As parents I wouldn't even take my child to see this type of movie. Because you can access so many things on the internet these days, I would worry bout my children getting access to this type of content on the web. Everyone doesn't need to see this type of content especially children. Schema theory explains it best, these types of movies lead to stereotypes (mental pictures of certain depictions of how some people are perceived or behave). Kids may see people that look like the ones in the movie and just be scared for their life for no reason. In this movie women were forced into very uncomfortable and awkward situations. Being sexually violated around every corner, kind of sickening to me. I really wasn't suprised by it, because I've come to expect this from the movie industry especially since they just keep going more in depth with every horror film they make. Sadly this is our entertainment industry today.